Thursday 19 August 2010

My Only Wish

This is my only wish. and this wish is just too impossible. i want to let my eyes open. i want to let my soul free. i want to feel something excited new and refreshing. i want to smile everyday. these things seem impossible with school work, piano and etc. but i always dream that i can go out and let everything be free. and i want to do those things with a person that i dear the most, which is you. Let me go with you. Let me escape with you. Let me fly with you, to the fantasy cause i hate reality.

Monday 16 August 2010

About My Relationship

Hey pals, guess what? All i can say is OMG and STFU. i came to school, people were kinda like staring at of my friend said 'bego lo, bego lo, bego lo!' the other says, 'congrats.' other people said 'hey, Bella Cullen.' I freaked out, cry and laugh so hard. people call me Bella Cullen because Khalid is a big fan of Twilight. and he call him self Khalid Cullen. People came to my class, which is 8B, and said, 'ooh, that's Rizka." in my mind i said, what the fuck is going on?! yeah, yeah, i date a gay that's the problem.. well, but NOW, he is NOT gay, hello, people, can u stop mocking him and just go to hell??in the morning, i dont even dare to go out since people know that i date the most famous gay, which is khalid. but he IS NOT..

Highlited Conversation:
Me: hey, do you know that Jose is half dutch?
(my bestfriend) : oh, and khalid's half gay
me: T_T

Me: Khalid's a kind and sweet guy
my best friend: he got pimples and zits all over his face.
me: T_T
my best friend: well, at least he's rich..
me: i'm not a materialistic girl T_T

me: T_T

*no offence khalid, my best friend sucks T_T sometimes

Saturday 14 August 2010

My Best Friday the 13th

People say that Friday the 13th is a bad day, it's a bad luck for people. but that bad luck doesn't apply to me! :D on that day, i got a BF, he's a good guy c: my best friends know that,so are my friends at school. they are shock to death, when they know that news. i was amazingly happy! finally i can forget the jerks..! ;D the news spread on twitter in a speed of light. people are really confused with our relationship. he (my bf) was often called gay by peple at school, but he's not! (Y)! i'm happy ;)

*no offense to anyone that's included in this post, peaceee ;D

Thursday 12 August 2010


we as a human, we do make mistakes. and we learn from it. we fall, we get up, and try not to fall. we, humans, we do know what's bad and good. but the challenge is, how to avoid bad actions or bad manners. because we humans, are sometimes, or even most of the times are tempted by obssesion, glory and luxury that we forgot if that luxury was given by our Lord, our mighty God. as we grow bigger, the bigger challenges will occur. we grow up and live our lives, we face challenges and learn things step by step. there are times that we, humans made a mistake and feel like we're dying. all we can do is to reflect ourselves. how many mistakes have we made, how many times we don't obey our parents, how many times we ignore our Lord. there's always tomorrow. there's always a person that can lend you a shoulder. so do your best, in living your life. we only have 1 life to live on. mistakes are things that we always have to face. because we're in reality.