Saturday, 17 July 2010


all of these days, I've been wondering... to do, to feel, to see something new. i feel thirsty, i feel a thirst of boredom in my soul, doing the usual things all over again. never had a chance to open my eyes and discover things in the world that i have never seen yet. will there be someone who's willing to lend a hand for me to open my eyes and move my feet? i wonder. i feel like i want to fly and dance in the sky with the angels. with a peaceful melody that accompany me dancing. but i know, that's impossible.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

him 2

this happened like 3 days ago, but i just post it now. in my desk. i open Facebook. i saw 'his' newest uploaded pictures. when i saw click it. i saw 'him' smiling, standing and stuffs. those pics remind me of us. i saw 'him' with a cigarette, 'he' didn't smoke, it's just for fun. 'he' is the thing that i most wanted. the thing that can't be granted easily.i like him all these time. forgetting and having him is the thing that i most wanted. i saw his pictures i shed a tear. it reminds me of how we used to be, how we used to play together, how we used to play 'fox hunting' or something like that. acting like idiots running around the class. without hesitation we can play, have fun, smile together and do things together. and it hurts a lot that now i have to pass my days at school without him. this is something that i have never felt before. it's something that,... i can't explain by words. seeing those pictures, my mouth shut, i shed a tear and both of my eyes were staring those pictures thoroughly. seems like, long the time goes and how long the distance is between me and him i think this feeling stays still strongly.